Another ObamaCare Promise Broken

The Daily Caller reported today that the limits on the out-of-pocket costs to consumers under ObamaCare will be delayed until 2015.  If this is such a great program, how come major parts of it keep getting delayed?

The article reports:

The limit on out-of-pocket expenses was not to have exceeded $6,350 for an individual and $12,700 for a family, however, the New York Times reports, federal officials placed a one-year delay on these caps providing insurers the ability to set their own limits in 2014.

The delay was noted on the Department of Labor’s website since February, however, as the Times notes, it went unnoticed until now.

…“We’ll place a limit on how much you can be charged for out-of-pocket expenses, because no one in America should go broke because they get sick,” Obama said in an August 2009 weekly address; a sentiment Obama repeated that September before a joint session of Congress, the Times reported.

The problem with putting caps on a person’s medical expenses is that someone has to pay those expenses. I don’t like the idea of people going bankrupt because of medical expenses, but I am not sure that is the federal government’s responsibility. I also wonder who will actually paying these expenses.

It seems as if there are a lot of unresolved problems and questions regarding ObamaCare. I am really uncomfortable with ObamaCare going forward when it seems to consist of delays, exceptions for the people who passed it and their staffs, and broken promises.


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