I Really Don’t Belong To The Flat Earth Society, However…


There seem to be some real questions about global warming (or climate change) and what causes it.  If the Cap and Trade Bill passes, we will be spending millions of dollars (out of the pockets of every American) to solve a problem we are not totally sure exists.  I am all in favor of reducing pollution, but I am also in favor of common sense in dealing with the problem.

Jonah Goldberg posted an article in the Los Angeles Times today about sunspots.  It seems that if we have no sunspots today, we will have gone fifty-three days without a ‘solar blemish,’ breaking a ninety-six year old record.  According to the article:

“During what scientist call the Maunder Minimum — a period of solar inactivity from 1645 to 1715 — the world experienced the worst of the cold streak dubbed the Little Ice Age. At Christmastime, Londoners ice skated on the Thames, and New Yorkers (then New Amsterdamers) sometimes walked over the Hudson from Manhattan to Staten Island.”

This is not something I want to see at all!  On the subject of global warming, the article points out:

“MIT’s Richard Lindzen says that “there has been no warming since 1997 and no statistically significant warming since 1995.””

I’m sure it is coincidence that many of the people pushing for the Cap and Trade Bill own part or all of companies that trade in carbon credits.  There will be millions made by a small group of people if this bill passes.  I personally like the idea I heard from someone who was offering to let people pay him $5 not to take a shower (his own contribution to carbon credits).  I think it’s time to step back and take a breath before we do something very expensive that may not have any relationship to a problem we may not have.