Why We Do Not Want Guantanamo Inmates Imprisoned In The United States

According to Rueters.com, President Obama has stated that some Guantanamo prisoners will be transferred to top-security prisons in the United States.  He pledged not to release any detainee within the United States who would endanger Americans or threaten U.S. security.  Maybe I’m just basically a difficult person, but I don’t want any Guantanamo detainees released in the United States, period. 

There is an article in today’s New York Post about the four men arrested who were planning a terrorist attack on New York City.  They became radical Muslims while in jail.

We do not want Guantanamo inmates in American jails (even top-security jails) because:

1.  Any interaction with other prisoners could result in recruitment of more radical Muslims.

2.  There would always be a danger that some group of related terrorists would set up a hostage situation near the prison to get the prisoners released.  These people would not hesitate to take over an elementary school and start killing children–that’s what they did in Beslan, Russia.

3.  As soon as they are put in American prisons, some looney judge is going to give them all the rights of American citizens, which they are not and never were.  They are not even covered under the Geneva Convention because they are not uniformed soldiers of a country.

4.  Guantanamo is a very secure and well run prison.  If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!

5.  If they are part of the population in an American prison, their religious dietary needs will not be met and someone will file a lawsuit!

6.  At a time when government spending is reeling out of control, we do not have the money to close down a perfectly good prison in Cuba to build a less secure one in America.