Smoke and Mirrors In The Healthcare Debate

According to Politico, Richard Umbdenstock, President of the American Hospital Association said Thursday that the agreement on reducing healthcare spending had been misrepresented by the White House.  According to the article:

“But in a conference call Thursday, President Richard Umbdenstock told 230 member organizations that the agreement had been misrepresented. The groups, he said, had agreed to gradually ramp up to the 1.5 percentage-point target over 10 years — not to reduce spending by that much in each of the 10 years.”

This may simply be a misunderstanding, but it is important.  We were lead to believe that the healthcare meeting at the White House was a wonderful unified meeting that accomplished laying the foundation for going ahead with improving our healthcare (read as socialized medicine).  That is not true, and many healthcare workers are concerned about what nationalizing healthcare will mean. 

If you are interested in seeing what nationalized healthcare brings to the countries currently using it, please see THE COST OF FREE GOVERNMENT HEALTHCARE at the American Thinker website.  If you are under forty and healthy, it may work for you, but if you are over forty and have any serious health issues, it will probably do you more harm than good.