A Problem With Priorities

On Thursday, CNN reported that the U.S. Army had rebuked President Trump over a  recent incident at Arlington National Cemetery. They might have done well to be quiet considering what they have stirred up. The Army never rebuked anyone for the disastrous planning of the exit from Afghanistan where the thirteen service members were killed. No one was fired or relieved of command. And now they are rebuking a former President because he chose to honor the thirteen. Wow.

The article explains how horrible the families were and how horrible President Trump was. There is nothing in the article paying honor to the thirteen servicemen who were killed.

The families asked President Trump to attend and gave permission for his crew to attend. It was not a campaign event–it is rather routine to record a President visiting Arlington–there are many videos of President Biden visiting the cemetery. This is simply another attack by the left on President Trump. In the mind of many politically left-leaning Americans, President Trump is guilty of breathing while being Trump.

Can you imagine the reporting if the families had asked President Trump to come and he had refused? It doesn’t really matter what the press is outraged about–they just want to be outraged about anything involving President Trump.