
On Friday, The Federalist posted an article about the arrest of Dr. Eithan Haim. Dr. Haim is a whistleblower who exposed his Houston children’s hospital for secretly continuing a child transgender mutilation program.

The article reports:

A Texas-based general surgeon who exposed his Houston children’s hospital for secretly continuing a child transgender mutilation program faces four felony counts from President Joe Biden’s Department of Justice for speaking out.

Shortly after Texas Gov. Greg Abbott ordered his state’s Department of Family and Protective Services to investigate the transing of children as abuse in 2022, Texas Children’s Hospital — the largest children’s hospital in the U.S. — claimed that it would no longer offer chemical castration and other body-butchering services to pediatric patients.

As 33-year-old whistleblower Dr. Eithan Haim soon discovered, however, at least three Texas Children’s physicians continued to castrate children as young as 11 years old after the program was allegedly halted. The hospital also promoted procedures to cut off the breasts and genitals of physically healthy people.

A report, which Haim claims to have sourced, from the City Journal’s Christopher Rufo detailed these findings. Around that same time in May 2023, the Texas legislature passed a law banning gender experimentation on minors.

One month after that, federal agents made a “highly atypical, unexpected, and aggressive show of force” at Haim’s apartment door. They announced in a letter signed by U.S. Attorney Tina Ansari of the Southern District of Texas that he was being investigated over his presumed role in the leak of “medical records.”

The article concludes:

Don’t you dare try to pray in front of an abortion facility because you believe babies in the womb deserve a chance at life or run over the perversion of a symbol created by God or tell your local school board that parents get the final say in what their child hears, sees, reads, and studies or insist there are only two sexes and they aren’t interchangeable by even the cruelest, mutilative means.

People like Haim who dare to indulge in such anti-regime thoughts and actions can and will be punished beyond the bounds of the law to send a message: your dissidence will not be tolerated here.

This is where we are, folks. I only hope we can make it to November and change the paradigm.