If I Wanted To Rule The World…

If I wanted to rule the world, how would I go about it? The days of conquering armies swarming over continents are gone. The strategies of Alexander the Great, the Caesars, Adolph Hitler, etc. are no long applicable. So what would I do? And what would be the obstacles standing in my way?

Distance is not the determining factor that it was in years past. A well-placed electromagnetic pulse can do more to cripple an army or a population than an actual attack can. Disrupting supply lines can destabilize a population. Controlling money electronically, controlling the food supply, controlling access to medical care, and controlling the supply chain will end any illusion of personal freedom. Personal freedom and the willingness of a population to fight for that freedom is the major obstacle to one-world government ruled by a cadre of extremely wealthy and powerful people. With the advent of robotic technology, the number of people needed to serve the ruling elites is actually rather small. So let’s look at the past few years in view of these facts.

Fear is a powerful motivator. It can cause people to follow the directions of questionable medical authorities to receive an experimental vaccine that may or may not help them. Supposedly caring political leaders can send elderly people with a contagious virus into nursing homes which will infect the most vulnerable people among us. The elderly in the nursing homes are the people who remember what it was like to have to fight to defend our freedom.

The introduction of crypto-currency would make it very easy for the government to control the spending of every citizen. Your crypto-currency allowance could be linked to your carbon footprint to make sure you were not using excessive energy. Basically  the government could implement the ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) system China currently uses.

The biggest obstacle to one-world government is America. If the major money people—George Soros, Bill Gates, the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab, etc., can destabilize American society to the point where we are not willing to fight for our freedom, they win.

As Ronald Reagan once said, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.”

We are at a turning point. Either Americans will stand together to fight the corruption that has overtaken our country or we will lose our freedom and our sovereignty. It’s up to us.