For years, most Americans have been content to let the government run the country. We have not paid close attention to what that government is doing, and we have not paid close enough attention to political races and candidates. We have assumed that the people in power to some degree had our best interests at heart. We have assumed that our justice system truly embraced the idea of equal justice for all. Unfortunately, that is no longer the case, and many Americans are waking up to a country with a justice system they no longer recognize.
On Wednesday, Issues & Insights reported the results of The Golden/TIPP Poll (TIPP is also Issues & Insights’ polling partner) which asked the question, “Generally speaking, do you agree or disagree with the statement: “There is a two-tiered system of justice in America depending on your political affiliation and ideology?”
The article reports:
The results of the poll, which had a margin of error of +/-2.8 percentage points, were lopsided: 63% agreed either “strongly” (28%) or “somewhat” (35%) that America is moving toward a two-tiered system of justice. Just 17% said they either disagreed “somewhat” (11%) or “strongly” (6%). (Numbers may not add up perfectly due to rounding of the data).
This is a chart showing their results:
The article includes the following chart:
One need only look to President Joe Biden’s widely criticized “Soul of the Nation” speech last week, in which he suggested that the millions of people who voted for President Donald Trump in 2020 “represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic.“
His harsh remarks, many commentators on both the left and right agreed, were out of bounds, and certain to further widen the growing cultural, social and political differences that have led to some bitter disputes and even violence.
The discrepant treatment of Jan. 6 rioters and the BLM and Antifa rioters is another factor.
Jan. 6 invaders of the Capitol building have been held for over a year and in some cases allegedly seriously mistreated. Some of the estimated 903 people charged with crimes received harsh sentences for their behavior.
Not so BLM and Antifa, who were lauded by the left, including some elected officials, for trashing dozens of cities around the country during the long summer of 2020.
Those riots caused over $2 billion in damage across the nation and led to an estimated 30 deaths or more, yet few were held to account for the violence.
The difference in treatment within the media, both news and opinion outlets and social media, is even more glaring.
In recent weeks, new revelations have emerged about how the White House and FBI have manipulated social media into silencing critics in the center and on the right.
Please follow the link above to read the entire article. It is fascinating.