Almost Good News

On Friday, The Conservative Treehouse reported that the Biden administration has authorized new oil and gas leases on limited federal land.

The article reports:

Energy development companies had identified 744,000 acres of federal land which could yield significant returns for oil and gas extraction.  Today the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) authorized leases for 173 parcels on 144,000 acres; approximately 80% less than was identified by energy companies.  [BLM Press Release Here]

…The new leases are mostly for areas where already existing oil and gas exploration is taking place, and the Biden administration has raised the federal royalty charges from 12.5% to a new 18.75%. In order to keep upward pressure on gasoline prices, Green New Deal national target price $7/gal, the new leases will not be available until later this year.

Two things to consider here. Any movement in the way of helping America to produce energy can be quickly reduced after the mid-term elections. The increase in federal royalty charges may make the land less attractive for drilling.

This is a political move by the Biden administration to give the impression he cares about American energy production. He doesn’t. He is being controlled by the extreme environmentalists. The only way to get back to energy independence is to elect people to Congress who will make laws to protect the energy independence of America.