Fake News Gets Even More Blatant

Yesterday Townhall posted an article about the mainstream media’s attempt to cover up President Biden’s latest gaffe.

The article reports:

When President Joe Biden spoke at Arlington National Cemetery during Thursday’s Veterans Day ceremony, his words once again became the story instead of what he was attempting to highlight. 

As Townhall highlighted on Twitter, Biden — in the course of telling a story — tried to tell an anecdote about Satchel Paige in which Biden referred to him as “the great Negro at the time.”

This is the video:

Mediate decided that the President did not refer to Satchel Paige as a Negro despite the video being available pretty much everywhere.

Mediate tweeted the following:

Generally speaking, people believe what they want to believe, but this is simply over the top. When the media reports an obvious lie that can be easily disproved, it’s time to stop paying attention to that media.