Sarah Palin

Wow!  This is an interesting choice.  I haven’t finished my homework, so I don’t have a lot to say, but (as usual) I have a few observations.  This lady looks like a lady.  She is obviously successful–in Alaska she has a reputation for being a reformer and coming against special interests–even when they are Republican.  She has a record of accomplishment, so the charge of inexperience is a little ridiculous.  How many people have been able to list concrete accomplishments of either Barack Obama or Joe Biden?  I am also concerned about how nasty this campaign is going to be and the fact that it got there quickly.  John Roberts at CNN has already posed the question of whether or not she is neglecting her special needs child in order to run for or be Vice-President.  That is beyond tacky.  She is also a lady who has had to work her way up to where she is.  I’m impressed.

I have to admit I like the idea of two people in the White House who have a history of fighting against earmarks and excess spending.  McCain and Palin are the type of people who will hang unto the government dollar until the eagle grins. They just don’t like government spending!!!