Liveaction posted an article today about one member of Joe Biden’s cabinet if Joe Biden officially becomes President.
The article reports:
On Monday, former Vice President Joe Biden’s team announced the members of his presumptive Transition COVID-19 Advisory Board, which includes former Obama health care advisor Ezekiel Emanuel. Emanuel, 63, who currently chairs the Department of Medical Ethics and Health Policy at the University of Pennsylvania, previously served on Biden’s Public Health Advisory committee during the primary and has been outspoken in his support for rationed health care, discrimination against the elderly in health care, and abortion.
“The advisory board will help shape my approach to managing the surge in reported infections; ensuring vaccines are safe, effective, and distributed efficiently, equitably, and free; and protecting at-risk populations,” Biden said in a statement.
Emanuel’s addition to this board comes with added concerns, as hospitals have already considered rationing health care for patients with COVID-19.
While Emanuel has said that he does not support legalizing assisted suicide or euthanasia, he does support rationing health care for the disabled and the elderly. To ration care in order to save money, he believes, “will require changing how doctors think about their patients.” In other words, doctors should assess the value they place on individual patient’s lives to determine if they are worth living or not — a process often colloquially referred to as “death panels.”
Emanuel advocates the use of “The Complete Life System,” a method which “prioritizes younger people [not including infants or the preborn, as Emanuel supports abortion] who have not yet lived a complete life.” To put it simply, the system prioritizes health care for who have lived just 25 years over people who have lived 65 years. However, Emanuel would not necessarily include a 25-year-old with intellectual disabilities on the list of people who should receive priority over the elderly.
Yesterday Yahoo News posted an article about other possible Biden cabinet picks. The article notes that Susan Rice is a candidate for Secretary of State. You remember Susan Rice–she went on all of the Sunday talk shows and lied about Benghazi. Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti is a candidate for Secretary of Housing and Development. On June 12, 2020, The New York Times reported that there were 41,290 homeless people in Los Angeles. Senator Bernie Sanders is a candidate for the Department of Labor. Senator Elizabeth Warren is a candidate for Secretary of the Treasury. Jeh Johnson is a candidate for Secretary of Defense. Jeh Johnson is one of the people who propagated the Russian Hoax that wasted so much time and taxpayer’s money.
These are just a few of the leading contenders. Good luck to America if Joe Biden becomes President.