The Global Warming Debate

The ‘Global Warming’ debate continues.  It was a bit awkward just before Christmas when temperatures across the country hit record lows, but things have temporarily warmed up, so the facts are not currently too much out of line with what we are being told. 

Power Line Blog is reporting on some correspondence between William Katz of Urgent Agenda and physicist and mathematician Frank Tipler at Tulane University.  Urgent Agenda    posted his letter on December 22 of this year. Professor Tipler points out that the debate isn’t over–scientific debate never really ends–there are new things discovered every day.  He also points out the lack of logic in the claim that cooling temperatures also prove global warming.  This is a serious case of ‘the emporer’s new clothes’–no one seems to be able to explain how global cooling is the result of global warming–it’s just something we are supposed to understand.  He also points out that the relationship between sunspot activity and global temperatures is supported by past climate information and future predictions based on this have generally proven accurate.

Professor Tipler also points out the politics and government involvement in the ‘science’ of global warming.  Professional tenure and study grants have been denied to people who do not agree with the concept of global warming. 

It’s time to take a look at who will profit if all of us buy into the concept of drastic global warming.  Let’s see.  Global warming allows the government to regulate commerce and industries to a greater degree–to tell car companies what they can manufacture–to tell energy companies how much and what kind of fuel they can produce and use.  There have been suggestions that household thermostats would have a sending unit on them to tell the utility company how warm you are keeping your house.  If you are using too much energy, the power company will turn your thermostat down.  Generally speaking, global warming theory carried to its natural end will limit the amount of freedom we have as Americans to make decisions about our own cars, house temperatures, travel, eating habits, and general well being.  Global warming believers will limit our economic freedom while increasing their own wealth through corporations collecting money for ‘carbon credits’ and other such enterprises.  This is a dangerous junk science.