It Makes Sense When You Do This With Fish–But Not With Terrorists

On Wednesday, Marc Thiessen at the Washington Post posted an opinion piece on the Obama administration’s current policy of dealing with captured terrorists. 

According to Mr. Thiessen, last week Vice Adm. William McRaven stated in testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee:

“…that the Obama administration has no clear plan for handling captured terrorist leaders if they are caught alive outside the war zones of Afghanistan and Iraq. McRaven testified that that “in many cases” suspects captured in secret are taken to a U.S. Navy ship until they can be tried in a U.S. court or transferred to the custody of an allied country, but if neither option is feasible, he said, the terrorist is let go. “If we can’t do either one of those, then we will release that individual,” McRaven told the committee.”

Yes, you read that right.  The Vice Admiral testified that American forces have been letting captured terrorists go rather than continue the Bush policy of sending the terrorists to Guantanamo. 

Mr. Thiessen concludes:

“Until now, it was believed that the administration was not capturing senior terrorists alive outside the war zones of Afghanistan and Iraq, but simply killing them. Last year, The Post reported that there had been no known high-value detentions by the United States since Obama took office. Now, it appears, we have indeed been capturing such terrorists — and setting them free. If so, this is an outrage. With Adm. McRaven’s testimony, and today’s news, the administration owes the American people — and the United States Congress — some answers, and fast.”

This may be politically expedient–but it is strategically stupid.  Terrorists commit terrorism.  Why in the world would our military even consider turning them loose?  If this is the current policy, it shows not only a total disregard for the safety of the American people, it also shows a total disregard for the lives of the soldiers overseas.  This is the sort of policy that causes America’s enemies to view us as a paper tiger.  The policy needs to be brought to the public’s attention and changed quickly.