Why Americans Are Not Listening To The Mainstream Media

The Daily Caller posted an article today that totally explains why Americans have tuned out the mainstream media.

The article reminds us:

Taiwanese company Foxconn is bringing thousands of jobs to Wisconsin, but you wouldn’t hear more than 40 seconds about it on any broadcast network Wednesday night.

ABC, CBS, and NBC spent so much time covering the controversies of the Trump administration, that they had hardly any time to talk about its successes, according to a new study by the Media Research Center.

…All networks ignored the fact that the Dow Jones’ Industrial Average hit another all-time high Wednesday.

…The networks also ignored the arrest of Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s IT aide while he was attempting to flee the country, a story The Daily Caller has been covering for months.

A free press is one of the foundations of a representative republic. Our foundation has forgotten its job.