A New Degree Of Absurdity

The following video was posted on YouTube on Monday:

Here we have CNN interviewing a person who makes money by resettling refugees into America, an executive with Sesame Street Workshop and Elmo. We need to understand that independent organizations are paid by the government according to how many refugees they bring in. Although there are some caring people in these organizations, a lot of what goes on is related to the money involved. It is a shame that CNN included a muppet on the panel rather than a person who would talk honestly about the profit involved for private agencies in bringing refugees to America and the risk for Americans.. The pictures of the refugees I have seen are not of women and children fleeing war–they are of military-aged men. We have no way of knowing whether they are coming here as refugees or as an undercover army. This question is validated by what we have seen in Sweden, Germany, and France. Women in these countries no longer feel safe being out alone. I don’t want to see that come here.

CNN has gotten so desperate that it is interviewing muppets. Good grief.