This Is What Media Desperation Looks Like

This post is not a joke–it comes from the NBC website. The story I am about to tell was posted at NBC today.

I am posting this as screen shots because I hope and want to believe that someone at NBC with a brain will see it later today and take it down.

nbcnewstrump1nbcnewstrumpnbcnewstrump2The article goes on to complain about various other places where the press feels slighted. This is the dumbest thing I have ever seen. First of all, the major media was not unbiased during the campaign. Instead of being neutral, they chose the wrong horse. Why should they be trusted or rewarded? Second of all, since when is taking your family out to dinner a press affair? Remember, this is the same press that saw no problem with a private server that was immune from Freedom Of Information Requests (FOIA). I fear that we are going to have four years of press nitpicking!