Bias Where There Should Be No Bias

As a grandparent., I love Facebook. Two of my daughters are always posting great pictures of my grandchildren. I am also told that there are a lot of grandparents on Facebook–more grandparents than young adults. I also get some of my ideas for articles from Facebook friends. However, it is disturbing to find out that Facebook is blocking some of my conservative sources or some of my sources that might be damaging to Hillary Clinton.

The DC Caller posted an article about Facebook today. The article states:

Facebook admitted Sunday that it blocked links to WikiLeaks’ trove of emails that were hacked from the Democratic National Committee (DNC).

WikiLeaks took to Twitter Saturday night informing followers that Facebook was censoring content and offered people an alternative way to post links to Facebook from WikiLeaks.

The leaked emails gave Americans some insight into the behind-the-scenes political escapes of the Democratic Party. The emails revealed the collusion between the Democratic Party and the news media to stop Bernie Sanders (and eventually Donald Trump). For any ‘never Trump’ people in the Republican Party, you need to take a good look at the people who oppose him. Trump is opposed by establishment Republicans, Democrats, and the mainstream news media. All three of these groups have worked hard to create the system of political elitism that has threatened our representative republic. I think America has a better chance of surviving with Donald Trump leading than with Hillary Clinton leading.

It is sad that Facebook decided not to be evenhanded in its allowed posts, but I have seen conservative bloggers blocked when posting articles that made the political establishment look bad. Unfortunately, America has entered a period where we cannot depend on even social media to be even-handed.