It Really Isn’t About Climate

On Friday, Investor’s Business Daily posted an editorial about the recent gathering in Paris to scare people about the climate.

The editorial at Investor’s Business Daily explains what is actually going on:

The “Draft conclusions proposed by the Co-Chairs,” distributed on Dec. 5, confirms that the parties of a climate agreement are united in “emphasizing the importance of promoting, protecting and respecting all human rights, the right to development, the right to health, and the rights of indigenous peoples, migrants, children, persons with disabilities and people in vulnerable climate situations (and under occupation).”

The draft also underscores the need to promote “gender equality and the empowerment of women, while taking into account the needs of local communities, intergenerational equity concerns, and the integrity of ecosystems and of Mother Earth, when taking action to address climate change.”

Yes, that’s Mother Earth with an upper-case M and upper-case E.

The same document refers as well to “the imperatives of a just transition of the workforce and the creation of decent work and quality jobs in accordance with nationally defined development priorities.”

All of these issues being “emphasized” and “taken into account” are goals the political left has pursued for decades, and all require more government intervention into private affairs. This is what the global warming scare is about. It’s not about rescuing cities from encroaching seas, saving populations from drought, preventing “dirty weather ” or protecting polar bears.

Although the United Nations began with good ideas, it has been taken over by people who do not support the freedoms Americans take for granted–gun rights, free markets, free speech, or freedom of worship. The people currently running the United Nations are very much in favor or one-world government, which would end national sovereignty. A quick google search of “Agenda 21” will pretty much explain all that they have in mind.

Please check out the website for honest, scientific information about climate change.