Fact Checking The State Of The Union Speech

Last night Yahoo Finance posted its fact check on President Obama’s State of the Union Speech.  These are some of the issues they found:

1.  STATEMENT:  Healthcare reform is one way to stop the growth of the deficit.  FACT:  There are some very arguable assumptions that go into the statement that the healthcare reform bill will save taxpayers (or consumers) money.

2.  STATEMENT:  The President promised to veto any bill that contains earmarks.  FACT:  Republicans have taken the lead in battling earmarks while Obama signed plenty of earmark-laden spending bills when Democrats controlled both houses.

3.  STATEMENT:  The President stated, “I’m willing to look at other ideas to bring down costs, including one that Republicans suggested last year: medical malpractice reform to rein in frivolous lawsuits.”  FACT:  This has been suggested by the Republicans in the past and gone nowhere.  The problem is that trial lawyers are a major part of the Democrat Party’s funding.

4.  STATEMENT:  The President praised the bipartisan fiscal commission that gave its report last year.  FACT:  The President has not endorsed any of the ideas put forth by the commission.

5.  STATEMENT:  The President claimed that his diplomatic efforts to stop the spread of nuclear weapons has been successful.  He cited the fact that Iran “faces tougher and tighter sanctions than ever before.”  FACT:  He neglected to mention that although the sanctions have supposedly gotten tougher, they have not been effective. 

The President doesn’t seem to be aware of either the results of the November election or the danger that the growing deficit creates for our country.  He needs to allow America to develop her own energy resources for a start.  That will create jobs, provide affordable gasoline prices, help with the trade deficit, and stop the American funding of terrorism.  None of that was in the speech.  This man simply does not see the economic danger his budgets for the past two years have created.  The best thing that can happen for America is a 2012 election when a President who is actually willing to allow the economy to grow can be elected.