Unfortunately, ISIS is not a local problem

Various members of the press and the Obama Administration have stated that ISIS is a local problem limited to the Middle East. I wish that were true, but there is mounting evidence that it is not.

Breitbart.com posted a story today about the growing international threat of ISIS.

The article reports:

The latest indicator that ISIS just the latest label slapped on the growing phenomenon of radical Islamism comes courtesy of Great Britain, where Palmira Silva, an 82-year-old great-grandmother, was beheaded, allegedly at the hands of a charming character called “Fat Nicholas.” Obese Nick is reportedly a Muslim convert.

This is not the first public beheading in Britain, unfortunately. In May 2013, two young British Muslims, Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale, ran over British soldier Lee Rigby in a car before Adebolajo attacked him with a machete, attempting to decapitate him. Adebolajo then stuck around to brag to passersby, threatening the rule of Islam. The day before, Adebolajo bought a set of five knives. A copy of the Koran was found on his person.

There is ISIS recruiting going on in the United States as well as around the world. Last week an ISIS member who was killed in Iraq was identified as an American who had a security clearance and worked at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport. Meanwhile, we have no idea who is streaming across our southern border.

The article concludes:

The Obama administration’s response to the threat of ISIS recruiting inside the United States has been to release an anti-ISIS video over the weekend, featuring images of ISIS beheading people, blowing up mosques, and executing Muslims. Which, coincidentally, is exactly the stuff that ISIS uses to recruit its friends, demonstrating once again that the disconnected Obama administration simply does not understand the attraction of the radical group to radical Muslims.

Unfortunately, the Obama Administration, in the name of political correctness, has removed the advisers to our government and our military who understand the terrorists. Hopefully when the Obama Administration leaves office, we can bring back the advisers who will be part of the solution–not part of the problem.