According to the Jewish Community Relations Council of New York, some passengers of the Mavi Marmara and other ships from Turkey’s IHH flotilla are planning to apply for visas to enter the United States on a speaking tour. It has been announced that a number of these passengers plan to speak in New York City in the coming weeks.
This link, Urge State Dept to Investigate Flotilla Passengers, is to a petition to ask the State Department to investigate any visa applicants from the flotilla to make sure that they do not have any terrorist connections.
The link provided above points out:
“In 2006, a report issued by the Danish Institute for International Studies stated that during the 1990s the IHH maintained links with al-Qaida and a number of “global jihad networks.”
“The report also stated that the Turkish government launched an investigation into the IHH starting December 1997 after receiving intelligence that the IHH had bought automatic weapons from Islamist terrorists. According to the report, the Turkish government launched a raid on the organization’s Istanbul offices where they found weapons, explosives, and instructions for bomb-making. The report added that an examination of documents found at the IHH office indicated that the group was planning to take part in terrorist activities in Afghanistan, Chechnya, and Bosnia. In addition, a French intelligence report found that in the mid-1990s IHH leader B’ulent Yildirim recruited soldiers for jihad activities in a number of Muslim countries and that the IHH transferred money, firearms, and explosives to jihadists in a number countries.”
Please follow the link and sign the petition. We do not need to give visas to terrorists on a speaking tour to raise funds in New York City.