The Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development that provided millions of dollars of material and logistical support to Hamas was designated as a charity by President Clinton in 1995 (Executive Order 12947). On July 27, 2004, a federal grand jury in Dallas, Texas, returned a 42-count indictment against the Holy Land Foundation. Charges included: conspiracy, providing material support to a foreign terrorist organization, tax evasion, and money laundering. The indictment alleged that the Holy Land Foundation provided more than $12.4 million to individuals and organizations linked to Hamas from 1995 to 2001, when their assets were frozen. In November 2008, the jury found against the Holy Land Foundation on all 108 charges. The charges included conspiracy to provide material support to a foreign terrorist organization, providing material support to a foreign terrorist, and conspiracy to commit money laundering.
The above information comes from Wikipedia, but as far as I can tell, is accurate. One of the unindicted co-conspirators in the trial was CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations).
Where am I going with this? For some reason CAIR is still considered a valid group to represent moderate Muslims. They are nothing of the kind. They are a legal group set up by the Muslim Brotherhood to use the American legal system to pave the way for Sharia Law. The plan to bring America under Sharia Law is explained in the documents introduced as evidence in the Holy Land Foundation trial. These documents came from a sub-basement in the home of Ismail Elbarasse in Annandale, Virginia. The documents were discovered in 2004 when a Police officer saw a woman dressed in traditional Islamic clothing videotaping the support structures of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge, and stopped the car. The driver was Ismail Elbarasse, and because there was an outstanding warrant on him, he was detained and his house searched. That is where the documents were found. They detail how the Muslim Brotherhood plans to bring America into a worldwide caliphate through the exploitation of America’s judicial system. CAIR has been involved in a number of high profile law suits to allow Muslims special government protected religious privileges. CAIR has also made inroads into the graces of our lawmakers.
Today the Daily Caller posted an article about a secret fundraiser held by Representative Nancy Pelosi.
The article reports:
The donors at the undisclosed May 16 event included Nihad Awad, the co-founder of the Council on American Islamic Relations, according to data provided by the nonpartisan Investigative Project on Terrorism.
The article further reports:
The cheapest tickets cost $5,000, and the most expensive were $30,800 per couple, according to the event invite from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, which used the cash to fund Democratic candidates. (View the invite here)
The hosts of the event were DCCC chairman Rep. Steve Israel and two Muslim representatives, Rep. Keith Ellison and Rep. Andre Carson.
CAIR is not a group I want donating to Congressional campaigns.