Rumblings From New York City

 A blog I am unfamiliar with called Loud Citizen reported on a speech given by Ray Kelly, New York City Police Commissioner, to the New York Young Republicans Club on Thursday.  First of all, I would like to say that I am thrilled that New York has a Young Republicans Club!

Mr. Kelly said the usual things a police commissioner would be expected to say-“Crime is down, tourism is up, come to Times Square and see a show.”   He mentioned that New York City has surpassed Orlando as the number one tourist destination in America. 

The article quotes Mr. Kelly as he spoke on the decision to have the trial of  Khalid Sheikh Mohammed:

“We were not consulted,” Kelly said tersely of the decision. He stated that the trial “will raise the threat level of this city,” a threat that “will not fade any time soon.” And it affects more than lower Manhattan, we learned. “We will have to look at the entire city as a potential target.”

This decision has made many New Yorkers very angry.  The questions after the speech all concerned the upcoming trial and the security concerns involved. 

In response to one question, the article points out:

“Kelly’s answer included a faint “Ray” of hope: Michael Isikoff’s recent Newsweek report of whispers that the trial plan is “potentially in jeopardy.” Isikoff had made this known well before the January 19 Senate Dem-olition, so in the post-Brown climate, what senior officials were leaking anonymously may soon appear on the record. It cannot help that lower Manhattan’s Community Board 1 is likely to unanimously reject the trial next week, and demand that Holder move it to a non-residential location.”

One of the side effects of the recent election in Massachusetts is the feeling of empowerment among voters.  The residents of New York City are hoping that the Obama Administration will listen to their concerns about having the trial of KSM in their neighborhood.