Sometimes Even A Good Newspaper Gets It Wrong

Yesterday I reported on the attempted advertising boycott of the Glenn Beck Show (see RightWingGranny) as reported in the business section of the Boston Herald.  Well, the story as they told it is not totally accurate. is attempting to pressure the advertisers of the show to stop advertising, but there is some question as to their success.

Ed Morrissey at Hot Air reported yesterday that despite what the media is reporting, some of the companies supposedly boycotting the Glenn Beck show have never advertised on the show!  Mr. Morrissey points out that WalMart has pulled its ads from the show stating that it chooses not to advertise on commentary shows–only on news shows.  Procter & Gamble has stated that they have not pulled their ads from the Glenn Beck show because they have never advertised there.  Procter and Gamble also stated that it would be avoiding commentary shows in order to avoid controversy.  CVS stated that although they advertise on Fox News, they had never requested advertising on the Glenn Beck show, but would not be advertising there because they did not like to tone of the show.

The bottom line here is that a boycott is being attempted.  That is perfectly legal as long as it is done within the bounds of the law.  My questions have to do with who is funding the organization suporting the boycott and what pressure is being applied.

I do apologize for believing the story I read in the Boston Herald!