How Much Free Speech Do We Allow?

Today’s Boston Herald has posted an article saying that CVS has pulled its advertising from the Glenn Beck show on Fox News because Glenn Beck allegedly called President Obama a ‘racist’.  The article reports that:

“, one of the groups leading the anti-Beck campaign, reportedly is now going after audio giant Bose and other companies that have advertised on Beck’s show.”

Please note that this is an organization that has set a goal of removing Glenn Beck from the airwaves.  They are putting pressure on all of his advertisers to stop advertising on his program.  I don’t watch Glenn Beck on a regular basis–my schedule doesn’t allow me to follow his radio or TV show closely.  I do feel that he is farther to the right than I am politically,
but he is entitled to believe anything he chooses and to state whatever he believes.  I will say that the programs I have seen have been well researched and he backs up his statements with valid information.

As far as accusing the President of being a racist, I have no idea if Barack Obama is a racist or not.  From some of his comments, I can conclude that at times racial stereotypes creep into his thinking–just as they sometimes do for any of us.  I don’t think anyone in the world does not have some degree of bias or stereotypical image in regard to race.  I would love to see a colorblind society, but I am not sure we as humans are capable of that.

If we are willing to see Glenn Beck driven off the air, who will the next target be?  This seems to me to be thuggery against conservative speech.  This was tried against Rush Limbaugh years ago when he became spokesman for the Florida orange growers.  It didn’t work then, although Rush’s tenure as spokesman was ended after a year or so, and I hope it does not work now. 

Regardless of how you feel about Glenn Beck, it is not smart to allow an organized effort to drive him off the airwaves to succeed.