A Letter To Young Voters Who Voted For President Obama

In today’s Rasmussen Reports, Michael Barone has an open letter to those young voters who voted for Barack Obama.  Sixty-six percent of the the young voters (under age 30) voted for President Obama; thirty-two voted against him.  Voters over 30 voted 50 percent for President Obama and 49 percent against. 

In the article, Michael Barone suggests a way to measure the Obama Presidency:

“I ask you to examine them through the prism of a book published in 1999, when most of you were too young to vote: “The Future and Its Enemies,” by Virginia Postrel (an Obama voter, too, by the way). Postrel assesses policies based not on whether they are liberal or conservative but on whether they are dynamist — promoting or leaving room for change — or stasist — tending to freeze institutions and people in place.” 

Mr. Barone points out that President Obama campaigned as a President of change, but a close look at his policies shows not change, but rather the reinforcing of current institutions.

Mr. Barone ends his article with this thought:

“The larger point is this: You want policies that will enable you to choose your future. Obama backs policies that would let centralized authorities choose much of your future for you. Is this the hope and change you want?”