Painlessly Reducing The Cost Of Government

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The government is spending more than it is taking in.  That is not a sustainable practice.  The freshman class of the House of Representatives was elected largely because they wanted to cut spending and balance the budget.  The Democrats, keeping in character, are fighting spending cuts and talking about taking more money from 'the rich.'  This is a very predictable battle. 

Meanwhile, CNS News reported yesterday that a Government Accountability Office (GAO) report that was released on Tuesday cited waste and duplication in the federal government's many programs, agencies, offices and initiatives.

The article at CNS News reports:

"The report (titled Opportunities to Reduce Potential Duplication in Government Programs, Save Tax Dollars, and Enhance Revenue) is intended to help government policymakers deal with "rapidly building fiscal pressures facing our national government," the GAO said.

"The report aims to (1) identify federal programs or functions where unnecessary duplication, overlap, or fragmentation exists; and identify the actions needed to address such conditions as well as the potential benefits of doing so; and (2) highlight other opportunities for potential cost savings or enhanced revenues.

"The GAO report includes 81 areas for consideration."

The GAO is required by law to make this report.  Some of the areas mentioned in the report included adding revenue by developing domesting energy resources, selling buildings that federal agencies no longer use, and cutting costs by combining various agencies that have overlapping duties.

We need to cut federal spending.  Ending duplication might be a good place to start. 

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