Why The Middle East Peace Process Isn't Working

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The question all of us need to ask is, "What brings peace?"  What are the lessons of history?  When Neville Chamberlain signed the Munich Agreement on September 29,1938, he had the best of intentions.  His goal was to avoid war and to bring peace to Europe.  We all know how well that turned out.

Today, the Palestinians are asking for a state of their own (we can overlook the fact that they were given 80 percent of the land originally promised to Israel in the Balfour Declaration in 1917 as their own state).  The country they were given is today known as Jordan.  Nevertheless, there is not peace in the Middle East, and generally speaking, Israel gets blamed for being intransigent.

Well, what is the problem?  I don't claim to have all the answers, but I have a few ideas.  A website called Israeli Frontline lists the rocket attacks on Israel from the Palestinians each month.  The previous link is to the list of attacks in February.  Now maybe I'm missing something, but I think rockets aimed at civilian populations might in some way inhibit the peace process.  Until the rockets stop coming and the people shooting them want to make peace, peace is not possible.  Peace in Europe during the 1940's was achieved after the aggressor state (Germany) was soundly defeated and had no choice but surrender and cooperate.  Germany has since become an upstanding member of the world community of nations.  There is a lesson to be learned here.  Until those forces within the Palestinian community who desire to destroy Israel are soundly defeated, there will be no peace in the Middle East.  Another way to look at the situation is to ask the following two questions, "If all of the Arab nations surrounding Israel gave up their weapons, what would happen?  If the nation of Israel gave up her weapons, what would happen?"  The answer to those two questions tells you all you need to know about why there is no peace in the Middle East.

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