I Really Do Wonder Who To Believe

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Sometimes there are situations where you are just not sure what the truth is.  Anyone who is a parent has had to deal with that sort of thing when dealing with a dispute between their children.  I was one of those horrible parents who sent both children to their rooms when I couldn't figure out who started it.  At least they both learned that what they were doing was unacceptable behavior.

There has been a lot in the press last night and today about the forced resignation of Shirley Sherrod from the USDA.  There are a few things to be observed here.  She admits that race played a part in doing her job to help a white farmer who was losing his farm.  She readily admits that she did not do all she could to help the man because he was white.  That decision was made 20-something years ago, and there are no indications that she would make the same decision today.  However, there is no indication that she would make a different decision today either.  For me, that is the problem.  Can this lady be trusted to administer government programs equally to Americans regardless of their race?  I don't know.  There may be other government employees about whom that questions should be asked, but unfortunately she is on video as having racially discriminated in the past.  Are there white government employees who routinely (or have in the past) discriminate against people of other races?  They should also be shown the door.  Discrimination is wrong.  Period.  Discrimination should not be used as a "gotcha game" to get even with past sins.  There are past sins, but they are past.  They can never be undone, and doing wrong does not atone for them in any way.  So much for that.

Meanwhile, back to the story.  Ms. Sherrod has claimed that the White House forced her resignation; the White House has denied that charge.  It would be interesting to know exactly who called for her resignation.

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This page contains a single entry by Granny G published on July 20, 2010 8:24 PM.

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