What All Of Us Suspected But Could Never Actually Prove

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The story of the day on the alternative media today is at The Daily Caller.  It is the story by Jonathan Strong showing the media planning how to support President Obama and how to get him elected in 2008.  The story cites specific instances of newspapers covering up stories or making phony charges against anyone who said something negative about the candidate.

One example given in the article:

"In one instance, Spencer Ackerman of the Washington Independent urged his colleagues to deflect attention from Obama's relationship with (Reverend) Wright by changing the subject.  Pick one of Obama's conservative critics, Ackerman wrote, "Fred Barnes, Karl Rove, who cares---and call them racists."

Hopefully, I am not the only person offended by this.  Some of the comments made by the press that participated in making sure that leftists politicians stayed in power:

Katha Pollitt---Hayes's colleague at the Nation---didn't disagree on principle, though she did sound weary of the propaganda.  "I hear you, but I am really tired of defending the indefensible.  The people who attacked Clinton on Monica were prissy and ridiculous, but let me tell you it was not fun, as a feminist and a woman, waving aside as polically irrelevant and part of the vast rightwing conspiracy Paula, Monica, Kathleen, Juanita," Pollitt said.

"Part of me doesn't like this #### either," agreed Spencer Ackerman, then of the Washington Independent.  "But what I like less is being government by racists and warmongers and criminals."

A free and honest press is necessary to keep a democracy functioning.  Democracy depends upon an informed voting public.  It is sad to see news outlets planning to slant their reporting in order to sway public opinion in favor of one candidate.  Please follow the link and read the entire article to see what was going on.  I am not sure that what was done actually changed the election, but I suspect that if the reporting had been honest, a lot fewer people would be surprised at some of the actions taken by the Obama Administration.

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