Some Perspectives On Tuesday's Election

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Politico is quoting Nancy Pelosi as saying:

"From our perspective, we won last night," the California Democrat told reporters during a Wednesday photo op. "We had one race that we were engaged in, it was in northern New York, it was a race where a Republican has held the seat since the Civil War. And we won that seat. So, from our standpoint, no, a candidate was victorious who supports health care reform, and his remarks last night said this was a victory for health care reform and other initiatives for the American people."

It is my hope that if winning one race out of three in an election is a victory, the Democrat Party will have more victories.

The Washington Examiner has a different take.  In it's editorial analyzing yesterday's election results, it points out that Americans elected President Obama on his promise to cut federal spending and to cut taxes for 95 percent of Americans.  The direction President Obama and the Democrat Congress have taken since the election does neither of these two things.  In fact, the legislation that has been passed or proposed since the 2008 election has increased the federal deficit considerably.  This is what the vote last night was about. 

The message to all elected officials is simple.  The American people want lower taxes and less government interference in their lives.  This is something Congress needs to keep in mind as the healthcare debate continues.  The question for the moderate Democrats is simple, "Are we willing to pass government healthcare at the expense of being reelected?"  That is the question that will ultimately shape the final debate on healthcare.

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This page contains a single entry by Granny G published on November 4, 2009 2:05 PM.

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