Putting Your Money Where Your Mouth Is On Healthcare

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The Hill is reporting today that five House Republicans plan to add an amendment to the Democrat's healthcare bill that would automatically enroll members of Congress in the public option program.  I think that is a wonderful idea.  Let Congress try it for three or four years, and if it keeps healthcare costs down while providing quality healthcare and not raising taxes, the rest of us can join them.

The article points out:

"The Pelosi health care bill could force millions of Americans off their current plan and onto the government-run plan, but there are hypocritical Members of Congress who are not willing to enroll in the same government plan," (Steve) Scalise said in his statement. "Speaker Pelosi and her lieutenants need to put their money where their mouth is and support our amendment."

It will be interesting to watch the vote on this amendment.

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This page contains a single entry by Granny G published on November 4, 2009 2:38 PM.

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