What About Pakistan ?

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Today The Hill posted an article stating that CIA Director Leon Panetta had serious doubts about the government of Pakistan leaking the information if they were informed in advance of the attack on Osama Bin Laden's compound.  I suspect his fears were well founded. 

The UK Telegraph reported yesterday that information contained in the Wikileaks documents claimed:

"Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence Directorate (ISID) also allegedly smuggled al-Qaeda terrorists through airport security to help them avoid capture and sent a unit into Afghanistan to fight alongside the Taliban."

There was also additional information from detainees at Guantanamo about cooperation between the Taliban and the government of Pakistan.

The article in The Hill reports:

"Instead of a cave, bin Laden was found to have been hiding in a secure compound in a suburb of Islamabad, Pakistan's capital city. The terrorist leader behind al Qaeda and the Sept. 11 attacks had apparently spent some time at the compound, which sat in an affluent neighborhood near the homes of many retired members of Pakistan's military."

A million-dollar compound near the homes of many of Pakistan's retired military.  And we are supposed to believe that no one knew who lived there?  Wow.

It is becoming rather obvious that Pakistan leaves a bit to be desired as an ally in the war on terror.  The problem is simple, though, if we write them off and they totally go over to support the Taliban openly, do they share their nukes?  Our relationship with Pakistan is an example of nuclear blackmail.  We give them tons of money, they play footsie with the Taliban, but they keep their nukes.  If we stop giving them money, there is a real possibility that they will share their nuclear technology.  Pay attention, we may soon be in a similar situation with Iran, only Iran will not even pretend to be our friend.

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