Wallowing In Injustices Of The Past Rather Than Dealing With The Dangers Of The Present

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The hearings conducted by Peter King, Chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security, yesterday stirred up a certain amount of controversy.  Yesterday's Washington Times reported on some of that controversy.

The Washington Times quoted Representative Al Green of Texas:

"REP. Al GREEN:I think that all criminals should be prosecuted. I think that all terrorists should be investigated which is why I said we ought to investigate all of them and that would include the KKK. Over a hundred years of terrorism why not investigate them too. They are rooted in a religion as well. Check their website out. You'll see."

I totally agree with Representative Green that there was a time when the KKK was a major concern in this country.  I have a good friend who grew up in the rural south during the 1940's and 1950's and some of the stories she can tell are harrowing (she is black).  However, it was not the KKK who flew jets into the World Trade Center Towers, it was not the KKK who killed the soldiers at Fort Hood, it was not the KKK that tried to bring down a jet with a shoe bomb, it was not the KKK that tried to set off a bomb in Times Square, and it was not the KKK who tried to bring down a jet with an underwear bomb.  There are more examples, but I am sure you get the picture.

Yesterday, I posted a story (rightwinggranny.com) about the fact that three of the most powerful leaders of Al Qaeda right now are men that are either Americans or spent a significant part of their lives in America.  The danger there is current and needs to be investigated.  The danger from the KKK is not a current threat.  As awful as the things the KKK has done are, investigating them at this point is a waste of time and money.  We can never atone for the awful things the KKK did, but we can vow to be better people in the future and move on.  To remain fixated on events of forty or fifty years ago does no one any good.

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