Hidden In The Healthcare Reform Act

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Today's Washington Examiner pointed out another surprise in Obamacare.  The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services, which is inside of the Department of Health and Human Services, has estimated that the healthcare reform act as passed will increase the cost of healthcare by at least $311 billion. 

There are a few more surprises coming.  Companies are looking at the cost of penalties for not providing healthcare for employees versus the cost of insuring the employees.  Since the penalties are cheaper, many companies will be dropping insurance coverage for employees and dumping them into the 'public' system. 

Remember the discussion that the 'public option' in Obamacare was dead?  Well, according to the article:

"Remember when Obama and congressional Democrats made a big show of dropping the public option government insurance program that was supposedly going to give private insurers competition and drive rates down? The truth is the public option is alive and well, residing in Section 1334, pages 97-100, of the new health care law. That section gives the U.S. Office of Personnel Management -- which presently manages the federal civil service -- new responsibilities: establishing and running two entirely new government health insurance programs to compete directly with private insurance companies in every state with coverage for people outside of government."

This does not sound like transparency in government.  It sounds like the first step toward government-controlled healthcare. 

REPEAL AND REPLACE!!!!!  It is the only way forward!!!  Keep that in mind in November.

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