Star Parker, Running For Office, Talks About Welfare

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Star Parker has posted an article at today entitled, "Why I'm Running For Congress."  Ms. Parker has worked for urban renewal and to fight poverty for a number of years. 

In her article she states:

"All of this effort has been aimed to deliver one basic message. That the barrier between America's chronically poor and the American dream is the welfare state socialism which was supposed to be our answer to poverty."

She recalls being on welfare as a young woman and describes it as, "A dehumanized culture of dependence and irresponsibility that encourages behavior exactly the opposite of what a successful life demands."

She further points out that fifty years and more than a trillion dollars after President Lyndon Johnson began the War on Poverty, the rate of poverty in America is unchanged.

She states in her article:

"As I wrote a little over a year ago: "I thought we were on the road to moving socialism out of poor black communities and replacing it with wealth producing American capitalism. But, incredibly, we are going in the opposite direction. Instead of poor America on socialism becoming more like rich America on capitalism, rich America on capitalism is becoming like poor America on socialism." "

Please follow the above link to read the entire article.  She explains the issues that have caused her to decide to run for Congress in detail. 

We have fought the war on poverty for almost fifty years now; and we have obviously lost.  Our government has funded and subsidized behavior that leads to the continuation of poverty, not the end of poverty and the beginning of success.  When the government pays people who do not work and takes money from people who do, there will be fewer people who are interested in working.  The fact that almost half of all Americans now do not pay income tax further complicates the problem--they have no reason to care if people who work pay more taxes. 

I wish Ms. Parker well in her campaign.


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