While We Were Watching The Healthcare Summit

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John Hinderaker at Power Line posted an article yesterday about a Democrat party attempt to tie the hands of our intelligence professionals. 

According to the article:

"The Democrats attempted to subject anyone who interrogates a terrorist in a less than gentle manner--for example, by "exploiting the phobias of the individual," which refers to the notorious caterpillar in the cell--to 15 years' imprisonment. As usual, Andy McCarthy blows the whistle on the Democrats' perfidy."

Fortunately, someone read the bill they were voting on and this provision was not passed.

Pete Hoekstra is quoted in the article as saying:

"That Democrats would try to bury this provision deep in the bill, late at night, when they thought everyone's attention would be focused on the health care summit is a testament to the shameful nature of what they were attempting.

"Republicans brought this to the attention of the American people, who were rightly outraged that Democrats would try to target those we ask to serve in harm's way and with a unified push we were successful in getting them to pull the bill."

It is unfortunate that defending our country has become so political.


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