Who Is Tampering With Our Election Process ?

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It seems as if when ethical problems come up in an election or campaign, the names involved are always the same.  The story you are about to hear is almost three weeks old, but I have to admit, I hadn't heard any of it until tonight.

The Milford Daily News (Milford, Massachusetts) reported on December 17th that Scott Brown had filed ethics charges against the Martha Coakley campaign.  It seems that the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) used state computers and e-mail addresses to direct state employees to volunteer for Coakley, the Democratic state attorney general, who is running against Scott Brown for Ted Kennedy's Senate seat.

The article points out:

"Daniel Winslow of the Duane Morris law firm, writing the complaint on behalf of the Brown campaign, said the union admitted to improper use of public resources in the FOX 25 report."

This is the same union with close ties to ACORN and other paragons of virtue in the world of voting in America. 

The State Attorney General's Office (Martha Coakley's office) has stated that they have received the letter of complaint and will review it before commenting. 

This is amazing.  I looked for a follow-up story on the internet and did not find one.  The State Attorney General's Office (Martha Coakley's office) is supposed to be objective in their evaluation of charges against Martha Coakley's campaign.  I will be very surprised if anything is ever done.  Meanwhile, if you live in Massachusetts and you want this kind of abuse of power and abuse of the political system to continue, vote for Martha Coakley.  If you are fed up with having a different set of laws for politicians than for the rest of us, vote for Scott Brown.  It's that simple.

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