What Is The Average American Willing To Tolerate From His Political Candidates?

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The Corner at National Review Online posted an article and a video today detailing an incident in Washington, D. C., in which a Weekly Standard reporter was shoved out of the way after asking an unfriendly question to Martha Coakley as she walked to her car.

The incident is also reported on the Weekly Standard Blog.  The Weekly Standard Blog reports:

"After Coakley finished her answer, she began walking away from the restaurant, and I walked behind her asking why health care industry lobbyists were supporting her at the fundraiser. She didn't reply.

"As I walked down the street, a man who appeared to be associated with the Coakley campaign pushed me into a freestanding metal railing. I ended up on the sidewalk. I was fine. He helped me up from the ground, but kept pushing up against me, blocking my path toward Coakley down the street."

As I have said before, I have no idea whether or not Scott Brown can win in Massachusetts, but the voters in Massachusetts have to decide exactly what they are willing to put up with from their political candidates.  I am a Massachusetts voter, and I am appalled by that sort of strongarm behavior.  One of the things that I have appreciated about the Scott Brown campaign is that they have run a very clean campaign.  I believe that Scott Brown represents a positive change in Massachusetts politics.  I would like to see him elected.

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