The Fort Hood Report

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Ralph Peters has a post today at the New York Post on the government report just released concerning the shooting at Fort Hood.  Mr. Peters points out the the report is lacking in two specific areas--it doesn't deal with what happened at Fort Hood and it avoids the issue of why it happened.

The report never mentions Islamist terror.  The only criticism in the report is of the "military medical officer supervisors" in Major Hasan's chain of command at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center.  Admittedly they should have reported what seemed to be obvious, but the question then becomes, "Why didn't they?"  The answer, of course, lies in the concept of political correctness.  The officers in charge of Major Hasan were afraid that criticism of a Muslim would have a negative impact on their careers.

The stories that came out shortly after the Fort Hood shooting listed signs that Major Hasan had become extreme in his religious beliefs and his hatred of America.  He was being observed because of some of the internet websites he was visiting.  Major Hasan is not the first American Muslim in the military to inflict harm on his fellow soldiers.  We need to take an honest look at the warnings that were ignored in his case, and we need to make sure similar warnings are not ignored in the future.

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This page contains a single entry by Granny G published on January 16, 2010 3:27 PM.

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