Might I Suggest Yucca Flats?

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According to yesterday's New York Daily News, the White House has asked to Justice Department to look into alternate venues (other than New York City) for holding the trial of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.  Mayor Bloomberg and other political leaders in New York City have protested the trial because of the increased risk to the city and because of the high cost of security for the city during the trial. 

The article states:

"The order to consider new venues does not change the White House's position that Mohammed should be tried in civilian court."

Have they truly considered the downside of trying Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in a civilian court?  First of all, the defense has to have access to all information against the defendant.  This gives a lawyer for a terrorist access to our intelligence and how we collected it.  There have in the past been instances of lawyers of terrorists passing information back to terrorist networks.  We really do not need that to happen here.  Secondly, do we really want to provide a platform for this fanatic to spout his rhetoric?  Third, has anyone considered the circus this trial is likely to become?  For further insight into this, see the recent RightWingGranny article on the trial of 'Lady Al Qaeda' currently playing in New York City.

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is a terrorist.  He is not an American citizen.  Why he would be entitled to all the rights and privileges of an American citizen after plotting to kill thousands of American citizens is beyond me!

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