Why Women Need Access To Mammograms Before Age Fifty

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Kimberly Hodgens-Smith is a friend of mine.  This is her story told in her own words.

In August 2006, I was 44 years old and attended my yearly physical exam. During that exam my physician examined my breasts while asking me if I performed self-exams. As she continued examining my breasts I responded "no if I did I'd be in here every other month scared out of my wits." She informed me there was new research stating that self exams may not be very effective at detecting breast cancer and that mammograms were the most useful diagnostic tool doctors had. Three weeks later I went for my yearly mammogram at the regional hospital near my home at which time a lump was found. Of significance is that my experienced primary care physician did not detect this lump a few weeks earlier and it was only detected by the mammogram. I was concerned when the radiologist said I'd have to return for an ultrasound and I'd need a surgeon to perform a core biopsy. I'm aware that most benign cysts can be biopsied by the radiologist or ultrasound tech so the fact that a surgeon was being called in right away was alarming. I chose to get my follow up care and biopsy done at an advanced care hospital in Boston. On September 11, 2006 I was informed of my results by the radiologist that indeed I had stage 1 Infiltrating ductal carcinoma in situ a cancer that would need surgery. The week that I waited to meet with the surgeon who would do my lumpectomy was indeed the worst week of my life so far! In synopsis I ended up having a lumpectomy that did not have clear margins and then underwent a bilateral mastectomy with reconstruction. I'm not the kind of person who wants to look over their shoulder and I certainly did not want the terror of a cancer diagnosis to consume any more of my life than necessary. Fast forward to 2009 and the news that the government task force assigned to reinvent our medical cogs and wheels have announced the intention of putting off screening mammograms until the age 50 for women. If this policy were in effect today it is very likely that my cancer would be growing and spreading as I write. I have 3 more years until I reach the age 50 and would not have access to mammogram. I'd most likely be facing a stage 3 cancer at age 50 with a higher likelihood of fatality. While I'm thankful to be cancer free today, I am aware that breast cancer can recur at any time. It is not like other cancers where you reach a 5-year-all-clear mark. If this mammogram policy becomes a reality I wonder how many mothers, wives, and daughters we are going to endanger? I could never adjust to that kind of CHANGE.

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