Full Steam Ahead To Copenhagen

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According to today's New York Post President Obama has announced that he will travel to Copenhagen next month to take part in the United Nations' Climate-Change Conference.  This is interesting in light of the recent incidents of leaked emails showing that the science of climate-change may not be as reliable as scientists claimed.   Yesterday's Wall Street Journal points out that from the beginning of the debate on global warming, a single view has been enforced.  The Wall Street Journal explains how the process of 'peer-review' was used in a way to make sure only one viewpoint was put forth.  Now that the emails from the Climactic Research Unit (CRU) in Britain have been made public, the lack of real scientific inquiry into climate change is obvious. 

The New York Post points out that at the Copenhagen conference:

"He (President Obama) reportedly intends to offer a goal of cutting US greenhouse emissions by 17 percent of 2005 levels by 2020.

"The White House won't declare exactly what sort of an impact that goal will have on the US economy. Or, more likely, it just doesn't know how much wreckage it will cause."

Using less energy is a noble goal, but crippling the United States economy is not part of the job description of a United States President--particularly when the science behind it is questionable.

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