West Bank Birth Certificates

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Despite the fact that Congress years ago passed a resolution to recognize an undivided Jerusalem as the capital of Israel (a resolution that has never been carried out), the State Department has a different take on the subject.

According to Huliq News, the children born to American citizens living in Jerusalem, whether in West or East Jerusalem, are not recognized by the US State Department as being born in Israel. 

According to the article:

"However, regarding births in any of the Arab towns or Jewish communities, the rules read "The birthplace for people born in the West Bank or in the No Man's Lands between the West Bank and Israel is WEST BANK...Those born in 1948 or later may have their city of birth as an alternate entry."

This situation, protest Jewish Americans living in the area, is illogical. The "West Bank" never existed as a geo-political entity until 1950, when Jordan annexed the area. That annexation was never recognized by the United States. Moreover, the place names used by the British Mandate as well as by the United Nations in its 1947 Partition Resolution, the same decision the US uses to avoid listing Jerusalem as in Israel, were actually "Judea" and "Samaria. A baby born to American citizens in Shiloh, for example, should be registered as "Shiloh, Samaria"."

Does this mean that children born in Texas are Mexican?  Israel is the only country in the world that when she was attacked and defeated her attackers was not allowed to keep the land she gained. 

To quote Walid Shoebat, "Why is it that on June 4th 1967 I was a Jordanian and overnight I became a Palestinian?"

This is the stupidity of the worldwide war that is happening against Israel.

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