This Probably Won't Matter To A Lot Of People, But...

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According to John Hinderaker Power Line today, politics has invaded the National Football League Players' Union.  The union's executive director, DeMaurice Smith, on Saturday made a move to solidify the union against a bid by conservative talk show radio host Rush Limbaugh as part of a group that aims to purchase the St. Louis Rams. 

According to the article:

"In an e-mail to the union's executive committee on Saturday specifically addressing Limbaugh's bid, Smith said, "I've spoken to the Commissioner [Roger Goodell] and I understand that this ownership consideration is in the early stages. But sport in America is at its best when it unifies, gives all of us reason to cheer, and when it transcends. Our sport does exactly that when it overcomes division and rejects discrimination and hatred.""

What in the world does he mean?  Doesn't Rush Limbaugh have a right to be part owner of a football team if he has the money?  Is this discrimination?  Just because Rush Limbaugh is a Conservative icon?   I hope cooler heads prevail.  This is just wrong.  It used to be ok in this country to have an opinion different from the 'majority' or different from the 'people who control the media'.  Have we reached the point where being an outspoken Conservative will result in being denied basic freedom to do business as you please (within the law, of course)?  Is this a hate crime?

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