Overlooking The Obvious In Healthcare Reform

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Yesterday at Hot Air, Ed Morrissey posted an article explaining how much money would be saved in healthcare costs by instituting tort reform. 

According to the article:

"According to CBO director Douglas Elmendorf on his blog, the CBO studied the impact of both the reduced cost of litigation and the elimination of defensive medicine that would result with tort reform.  Elmendorf says that tort reform would reduce the federal deficit $54 billion over the next ten years, more than the fee Baucus plans to charge insurers for the privilege of existence (via MarySue at Ruby Slippers).

"...That figure includes savings of roughly $41 billion from Medicare, Medicaid, the Children's Health Insurance Program, and the Federal Employees Health Benefits program, as well as an increase in tax revenues of roughly $13 billion from a reduction in private health care costs that would lead to higher taxable wages."

This makes more sense than scrapping the best healthcare system in the world for eleven hundred pages of legal gobbletygook.  Tort reform is not in any of the packages currently under consideration by Congress.  I hope at some point it will be considered.

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