Misusing The American Court System

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Yesterday's Investor's Business Daily posted an editorial on the cash settlement paid to the "Flying Imams" by US Airways and Minneapolis airport police.  The case was brought in response to an incident three years ago at Minneapolis airport.

Six Islamic clerics were taken off a Phoenix-bound flight for behaving much like the 9/11 hijackers.  One of the things that raised the suspicions of the airline was that half of them had no luggage and had purchased one-way tickets.

According to the article:

"Some yelled "Allah, Allah, Allah," and changed their seats while asking for seat belt extensions they never used. Though situated throughout the cabin, the six men appeared to be acting in concert. Witnesses also said they loudly cursed the U.S."

The article details the Imams search for a court to hear their discrimination suit. 

The article also points out:

"The imams' attorney -- a board member of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, which financed the case -- says the deal involves an undisclosed amount paid to his clients by airport police. Details are sealed. The airport authority issued a statement saying insurance limits its liability to $50,000.

"The settlement of this case is a clear victory for justice and civil rights," said CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad.""

We need to remember that the enemies of America study our court system carefully.  CAIR chooses its lawsuits very carefully to move the legal system in their direction.  Unfortunately this case will make the skies of America less safe as people are less willing to act in the face of inappropraite behavior.

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