Media Sleight Of Hand Regarding ACORN

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Newsbusters posted an article yesterday posing the questions the media had not asked regarding the video tapes made of ACORN employees offering to help a couple buy a house to set up a brothel with underage girls brought into the country from Central and South America.

Hannah Giles, the actress in the videos posted her set of questions the media has not asked.  Here is that list: 

  • Baltimore-Why no mention of the toddlers that were in the room while James and I were being counseled on how to manage our underage prostitution ring?
  • San Bernardino-The content of this video was largely ignored except for the part where Tresa Kaelke mentions she shot her husband. What about when she told us not to educate our sex-slaves because they won't want to work for us? Or when we talked about making more money off clients who are permitted to physically abuse the girls? What about the whole transport-the-girls-in-a-school-bus-to-avoid-suspicion discussion?...
  • San Bernardino: What happened to the list of politicians that Ms. Kaelke rattled off when she spoke of her ACORN office's community involvement and influence? Has anyone set out to uncover just how close these politicians relationships are with the San Bernardino ACORN? Does anyone even remember the names?
  • San Diego: Has anyone questioned why Juan Carlos would want to help smuggle girls across the Mexican border right after an ACORN-sponsored immigration parade???

Ms. Giles has written an article for Big Government asking these questions and a few others that most of the media has not been curious enough to ask.  The article asks some very good questions.

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