I Love A Happy Ending!

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According to a Sealttle newspaper via Associated Press, some Somali pirates had a rude awakening early Wednesday.  They innocently fired on what they thought was a commercial ship, but it turned out to be a French naval vessel.  The ship they fired on was La Somme, a 3,800-ton refueling ship.  The pirates were just innocently working off the coast.  They had no idea this was a military ship.

The article states

"France is a key member of the EU's naval mission, Operation Atalanta, fighting Somali pirates in the Gulf of Aden. It has aggressively tracked and caught suspected pirates and handed over at least 22 to Kenya. An additional 15 suspects were brought to France for prosecution after allegedly seizing boats belonging to French nationals."

Catching the pirates is a great thing, but I think we need to go back to the laws of old that hanged people for piracy.  Let's hope these pirates do not spend the rest of their days in a place with three square meals, big screen television sets, and gyms that would amaze all of us.

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